Blue High Performance Network (BlueHPN)
Blue High Performance NetworkSM is a network of providers committed to providing high-quality care in over 65 U.S. markets. BlueHPN is a great choice for groups that have employees located in our network service areas. Employers who offer BlueHPN see an average cost of care savings of 11% and up to 20% in some markets over our already deeply discounted BlueCard® PPO network.
Coverage Area
With BlueHPN, you and your employees will have in-network care in over 65 U.S. markets, plus emergency care anywhere.Benefits of BlueHPN
Blue High Performance NetworkSM is a network of providers committed to providing high-quality care at discounts of 11% or greater over our already deeply discounted BlueCard® PPO network.
Coverage to count on
Available in 65+ major metro areas across the U.S., BlueHPN includes all provider types from primary care physicians to specialists and hospitals. You and your employees will have the flexibility to visit any provider in the BlueHPN network without a referral. Plus, you’ll have access to emergency care and telehealth services anywhere.
Be sure to check if certain providers are in the BlueHPN network, as out-of-network services are not covered.
Blue High Performance Network (BlueHPN) FAQ's
- Yes, you should consider selecting BlueHPN for your healthcare coverage. You and your family will have access to a full range of carefully selected doctors, specialists, and hospitals where you live, and across the country when traveling to major metropolitan cities. To make sure the doctor, specialist or hospital is in the BlueHPN, visit
- Specialty provider services (cardiologists, etc.) are represented in BlueHPN. You will have access to a full range of carefully selected doctors, specialists and hospitals. While you may have fewer options, you will potentially lower how much you pay for healthcare while still receiving quality care. We've done the work for you—so you spend less time researching. To search for your providers, visit
- Even though your current doctor is not in BlueHPN, you could potentially save money. You will also continue to receive high quality care from an in-network provider by switching to a doctor that participates in BlueHPN. The doctors, specialists, and hospitals available through BlueHPN have been carefully selected based on their commitment to providing quality care and are evaluated on their performance helping patients get healthy and stay healthy.
- Your health is important to your employer and they understand that employees need access to quality, affordable healthcare
- If you need to see a doctor for routine care while traveling, consider using BlueCare AnywhereSM or check to see if a virtual and/or telehealth visit with a BlueHPN doctor is an option. Please keep in mind that healthcare services received from out-of-network doctors, specialists and hospitals will only be covered in urgent* situations or if the services were approved by Blue Cross® Blue Shield® of Arizona (BCBSAZ) in advance. If you are in an emergency, please seek medical attention immediately. If you receive healthcare services that are not urgent from a non-BlueHPN doctor, specialist or hospital while traveling or on vacation, you will be financial responsible for these services.
Is BlueHPN right for your business?
If your employees travel to or live within one of the major metro service areas, BlueHPN could be right for you.Cost
If you prefer a lower-cost plan, with deeper savings, BlueHPN could be right for you.Providers
If you value a carefully selected network of providers committed to enhancing quality care, BlueHPN could be right for you.