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Member Resources

Get easy access to all your benefits with each of these shortcuts.
  • Treatment Cost Estimator

    Make informed decisions about common medical procedures so you’ll know what’s covered and what you may have to pay.
  • BlueCare Anywhere

    Get virtual access to board-certified medical professionals any day, any time, anywhere.
  • Nurse On Call

    Registered nurses are standing by to answer common medical questions 24/7.
  • Clinical Rapid Response

    We’re here to help those who are being assessed for or have been diagnosed with major medical conditions get the care they need.
  • AZ Blue Portal

    Download your digital ID, view claims & deductibles, discover member exclusive discounts and more!
  • High Quality Doctors

    We’ve partnered with primary care doctors to design a program that gives you greater access to routine care.
  • 24/7 Help

    We've gathered several resources to answer your customer service questions - day or night.
  • Health Data Privacy

    Your healthcare data is cooperatively integrated across your providers to improve your care quality.
  • ShareCare

    Take control of your health by learning how your habits impact your overall well-being and get tips on how to improve it.
Still have questions? We can help